Friday, July 30, 2010

"As The Wind Blows"

As the wind blows you can see the
tress swaying to the left and swaying
to the right. You can see the children
flying kites in the park. You wish
some day you can take flight.

As the wind blows the sail boat
rides across the mighty sea.
From the small sparrow to the
sea gull it flaps it wings to stay
high in the air.

As the wind blows it helps water from
deep below comes up to gives us
the help we need. In the dry
hot desert you see in this devil’s
land a rolling tumble weed.

When you stand on this green
blue earth and take a breath,
with your nose. You can have
thanks in your heart and see
with eyes as the wind blows.

David A. Bernard

Thursday, July 29, 2010

"A Shooting Star"

In the night warm air you see
a star twinkling, high above in
the night air. Suddenly it races
across the sky, it’s a falling star
does it feel pain at all or do you
hear it cry?

You wonder how long has this
star been twinkling in the night
air. How long does this star
been so bright? Before it
streams across the night air
with a mighty flare.

The awesome star is now
gone. Where can it be? It
was twinkling in the night
air. It won’t be found
from dust till dawn.

Will all the stars soon be
out of sight? When you
look up in the night air.
You see no twinkling as
look with all of your might.

David A. Bernard

Saturday, April 17, 2010

"My Dream"

Each day when I open my eyes.

On the right and left there is no dream.

A soft voice says look

Around me now there is nothing to see

I need that dream of mine to give some esteem.

When will that day come into my life.

I look here and there, no dream to be found.

I feel my hands are not here

My feet cannot move

I feel I am under water and I am bound.

Where is my dream it can’t be found

I look here and there

And still the dream is not around.

When will I open my eyes and be happy.

My dream will give me hope with pride.

I want to feel like a man.

I want a smile on my face.

I want to say to you I can provide.

Where is my dream it can’t be found.

I look here and there

And still the dream is not around.

David A. Bernard

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

"Do Angels Eat?"

Come and taste the foods that
Angels eat. The foods that
have sparkles and dance
at your feet.
The foods where it comes
from, no one knows where.
This food is not a peach
or a yellow pear.
Now you may ask "Do
Angels Eat?" do Angels
live? When can I meet
an Angel, for of this food
would they give.
I want to fly too very
high into the sky.
When I see an Angel
I know my eyes will
I want to eat this food
that sparkles and dance
at my feet. My heart
will feel so much joy
as this food will be so

David A. Bernard

"The Moon Flower"

The flower shines each night it
stands with much pride. The
flower has much beauty for
all to see, when we need help
the flower will gives us help
like a guide.
When the moon is new, the
flower is still standing tall.
The flower will always be there
its there for us, for we won't
No matter day or night, we
need not fear. When we cry
out with our tears, our voice
the flower will open up and
"The Moon Flower" is here
for us when we are in need.
It grows in peaceful places,
it comes from a round golden

David A. Bernard

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"A Radiant Light"

As I stand on this hill, one side my

family the other a radiant light.

My legs could not move at all

I tired to move them with all of

my might.

The thoughts of my past were moving

in my mind so fast. The world was

spinning around and around, how

long would this last.

This radiant light was so beautiful, so

peaceful. While I could see my family

smiling faces the people that I really love

and adore.

At last my legs were free to move to the

left or to the right. Which way shall I

choose. My loving beautiful family or

this awesome radiant light.

David A. Bernard

"This Is My Valley"

This is my valley, the valley I seen the

birds fly with mankind. Were the fresh

air went into your lungs that brought

imagines and beauty in your mind.

This is my valley, the valley were the

green hills rolled together, one each

hill is a tree has a name made by

that golden feather.

This is my valley, the valley were the

water from the crystal pond gave you

no sickness or harm. For this was writing

down by the golden feather it was our

perious writing arm.

This is my valley, the valley were I came

from with my strength and wisdom.

The place I want to go to get peacefull

days and nights, were everyone’s soul

is so very calm.

David A. Bernard