Friday, July 30, 2010

"As The Wind Blows"

As the wind blows you can see the
tress swaying to the left and swaying
to the right. You can see the children
flying kites in the park. You wish
some day you can take flight.

As the wind blows the sail boat
rides across the mighty sea.
From the small sparrow to the
sea gull it flaps it wings to stay
high in the air.

As the wind blows it helps water from
deep below comes up to gives us
the help we need. In the dry
hot desert you see in this devil’s
land a rolling tumble weed.

When you stand on this green
blue earth and take a breath,
with your nose. You can have
thanks in your heart and see
with eyes as the wind blows.

David A. Bernard

1 comment:

Unknown said...

wow, your pictures are beautiful!