Monday, February 4, 2008

"Rampage to Live"

We are huge in this remote
area we call our home.
We have families that we
take care of, to feed.
And we also love to roam.

We were here first, its
our land the place we
were born. If any
human try to take
our land, or our food
let them be warn.

It's our right to protect
and try to survive.
We were first, its our
land. All we want to
do is feed our family
and stay alive.

It may seem that we
are mad when we kill.
But we do cry when our
families die. All we want
from you is goodwill.

Maybe in this remote
India land you humans
can create one of us in
stone. That will show
us within your human
heart that love is shown

David A. Bernard

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