Thursday, January 31, 2008

"When it Rains"

When it rains does my
soul get wet too?
As I stand in the wet
rain my body feels
each drop. And its
more than a few.

When I hear the news
of that child's death,
I do feel so sad.
When the child was
born I smiled and
I was so very gald.

As the drops of rain
fall on my body, the
moisture of the rain
makes me feel wet.
So when I hear of a
birth or death, does
the emotion comes
from my body or
soul? I don't know

Is my body and soul
separate from with
in me? Do they work
together and feel pain
and joy together is that
the key?

When it rains my body
does feel. And deep into
my soul the emotion
I see, for its a very
great deal to me.

David Anthony Bernard

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

"Where is my Ship"

The salty air was in my lungs when
I found myself lost. Where was I?
Where is my ship? Was she toss?

The night before was cloudy and not
a sight of rain. Where is my ship, my
heart is in so much pain.

My ship was very kind so beautiful
and dear. No sight of my ship, I might
have lost her I fear.

My heart is full of the salty air, which
which brings me so much pain. I must
find her or my soul would go forever

David Anthony Bernard
"My Sunflower"

When the cold rain comes upon
me. My body is warm with
passion, for the thoughts of
her is my steamy key.

She is my source that sets
my soul on fire. The touch
of her soft lacey body brings
my fever higher.

She is my Sunflower that is
sweet to the taste. When
she open her arms to me
there was very much haste.

When are hearts came
together there was a
lovely sound. For she is
like a queen who wears
a golden crown

David Anthony Bernard

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


P is for the People who wants to
see the Hawk to fly along with the
Dove. And all the world with their
hearts full of caring love.

E is for Endure, to see all with
our loving hearts. mind and soul.
And to forget our prejudice and
pride and treat all with loving
arms forever more.

A is for the Almighty who will
help us when we ask and pray.
To have all to have caring hearts
to be with us forever to stay.

C is for Cherish to help those
all around, and to honor all life.
Not to kill with weapons not even
a knife.

E is for Eternity to have the
Heavens and the Angels be with
us. For we do need PEACE on
this earth, its a must.

David Anthony Bernard

Your Tender Kisses

The scent of the salty air, was our blanket
of clouds. I explore the beauty of your
breathless body, which I took very fine

The blooming waves was the sound. As our
hearts came together to created white
pure doves that you can see all around.

Your tender kisses that you gave me. Went
very deep into my soul. All my pain and
sorrow was out to flee.

You are my Angel my Goddess which I do
adore. My sweet lovin tears they say
"I love you forever more".

David Anthony Bernard

The Whisper of Love

The whisper of your heart was like the
sound of the mighty ocean. As the voice
enter my soul, my body jumped and shine
with a golden glow.

Your love is mine now. It comes to me
with my tears full of sweet morning dew.
For my life is yours now and all my love
I give to you.

In the past there was no one near. I
looked and prayed with each full moon.
A spring day came with Angels in the sky,
that was moment my heart caught your eye.

The whisper of your love, was sweet to
my ear. For now the Heavens has brought
me so lovely and dear.

David A Bernard

Tears Of Joy

Our tears flowed together
as our lips met.
Our hearts sang that song,
that took our love higher
than a jet.

The love she gave me.
I took to my heart and
The love I gave her, there
is always room for more.

For my love will never stop
it will grow as time goes by.
For each time I hold her,
our tears will always cry.

David Anthony Bernard

Tiger Tears

"Tiger Tears"

(I dedicate this Poem to Tatiana)

I came from far away.
A place I was free to run
like the wind and hunt
my prey. One day
I would leave my world
and I was not going to

I was in this place in this
cage that humans would
look at me and say
"woo and ahh". Sometimes
I shed a tear and ask
myself "where is my pa
and ma".

I notice we Tigers are like
humans, we like to run,
smile, cry and get sad.
We even don't like to be
teased, we even may get

Then I remember it was on
the Lord's day, at night in
the cold. Three young
humans were taunting
and yelling. Oh my, they
seemed so bold.

I got so mad and with single
bounce I pounce and I attack
one, the other two ran away.
It was scarey that night. For
I was shot dead and there
I lay.

No worry I am in a place so
free and I can play and run.
I am in a place where HE
lives and I even play with
His Son.

David A. Bernard

Moon Beams

The MoonBeams was our light as
I kiss her soft red lips.
The taste was so very sweet
as I took many slips.

To hold her in my arms, she
is like an golden Angel.
My heart was pounding
that to the earth it did fell.

Her sweet lovely body I
did touch.
And with every inch my
lips did taste, they love
so much.

Her name will always be
on my mind.
When we make love our
bodies will always intertwine.

David Anthony Bernard

Dream Lady

Could that be the face I see in my dreams
of gold. The face I want to take, kiss
and hold.

Could that be the woman for me. I see
every night. The Angelic body I desire to
hold with all my might.

Could that be the heart I will give all
my love to. A love that will be so very

Yes it is, a dream that came to be true.
She is the Heavenly lady that will stop
me from being blue.

David Anthony Bernard

A Gleaming Heart

That night you laid there upon my chest.
I hold your body of sweet fire, then my
lips taste the sweetness of your ravishing

As my body and lips thrist for more.
My hands caress your Angelic body
which I do adore

You looked into my eyes with a gleaming
heart. My inner soul was sweep away by
yours. Now the time has come that the
never endless love will be ours.

That night we loved with the morning coming
strong. You captured my heart and soul,
it's yours from this day and on.

David Anthony Bernard

A Kiss of Fire

Your kiss sent my soul on fire, with your
lips full of the sweet desert moon. My
heart beat a sound of gleaming joy and
hope it won't stop any time soon.

As the sweet honey rain pierce our bonded
bodies, the warmth entered with a very
loud shout. Our love turn into a exotic
rainbow that had no way out.

Our life together was created from the
heavens dew. It will grow beyond the
clouds with a radiant bright star that
shine so very new.

David Anthony Bernard

Faith and Prayers

That night I saw that awesome light
come down to stand next to me. My
thoughts were in pain and I needed
help from her Magical hands to set
my mind away and free.

Now my mind and body was on its way.
To a path I wanted and dream of.
A life with peace and love for my
body and soul and dream of a
golden cloud above full of love.

My Faith and Prayers are my
strength to grow and stand tall.
For my life here is to help and
learn. To let my family and friends
I love them all.

David Anthony Bernard

Spanish Eyes

Spanish eyes are born by the touch
from the heavens from above.
They look so radiant and full
of love.

When they look upon you,
you are bless.
When you look upon them
you want to take and caress.

The touch of her face is very
soft and sweet.
Your desire is to kiss her
from her head to her feet.

Spanish eyes is what I love
to see.
When I look at them my heart
is yours and it won`t flee.

David Anthony Bernard

"The Sound of the Moomlite"

When I hear the music of the
moonlite. I want to take
your sweet body and hold
you next to me so very
tender and tight.

The beam of the glow of
the moon will bounce on
your soft silky hair.
Then with sound of the
music I will kiss your
sweet lips with much

As I hold you around your
waist. The sound of the
moonlite. The music tells
me I still want to kiss you
for that sweet tender taste.

For you all the lady I want
to love during the night.
When the sounds comes down
from the beauty of the

David A. Bernard