Thursday, January 31, 2008

"When it Rains"

When it rains does my
soul get wet too?
As I stand in the wet
rain my body feels
each drop. And its
more than a few.

When I hear the news
of that child's death,
I do feel so sad.
When the child was
born I smiled and
I was so very gald.

As the drops of rain
fall on my body, the
moisture of the rain
makes me feel wet.
So when I hear of a
birth or death, does
the emotion comes
from my body or
soul? I don't know

Is my body and soul
separate from with
in me? Do they work
together and feel pain
and joy together is that
the key?

When it rains my body
does feel. And deep into
my soul the emotion
I see, for its a very
great deal to me.

David Anthony Bernard


hija4 said...

Where is the Tiger?

Cheryl said...

Very thought provoking. I guess our soul gets rained on too, just as our physical body, but in a different way--great anology.