Tuesday, January 29, 2008


P is for the People who wants to
see the Hawk to fly along with the
Dove. And all the world with their
hearts full of caring love.

E is for Endure, to see all with
our loving hearts. mind and soul.
And to forget our prejudice and
pride and treat all with loving
arms forever more.

A is for the Almighty who will
help us when we ask and pray.
To have all to have caring hearts
to be with us forever to stay.

C is for Cherish to help those
all around, and to honor all life.
Not to kill with weapons not even
a knife.

E is for Eternity to have the
Heavens and the Angels be with
us. For we do need PEACE on
this earth, its a must.

David Anthony Bernard


Cheryl said...

This is very well done!

Miss Ticket Stubs said...

Hi David,

Nice acrostic! I was playing around with acrostics a few days back - they're a lot harder than they look!