Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tiger Tears

"Tiger Tears"

(I dedicate this Poem to Tatiana)

I came from far away.
A place I was free to run
like the wind and hunt
my prey. One day
I would leave my world
and I was not going to

I was in this place in this
cage that humans would
look at me and say
"woo and ahh". Sometimes
I shed a tear and ask
myself "where is my pa
and ma".

I notice we Tigers are like
humans, we like to run,
smile, cry and get sad.
We even don't like to be
teased, we even may get

Then I remember it was on
the Lord's day, at night in
the cold. Three young
humans were taunting
and yelling. Oh my, they
seemed so bold.

I got so mad and with single
bounce I pounce and I attack
one, the other two ran away.
It was scarey that night. For
I was shot dead and there
I lay.

No worry I am in a place so
free and I can play and run.
I am in a place where HE
lives and I even play with
His Son.

David A. Bernard

1 comment:

hija4 said...

You are a really good poetry writer. Keep it up!